Judith Grant: “2020 Vision: Higher Education as a Public Good”

Ohio University is facing $30M in cuts and the potential loss of hundreds of faculty jobs. How did this happen? Judith Grant, professor in Political Science and an OU-AAUP chapter member, points to two culprits in this powerful analysis: years of mismanagement and misguided market orthodoxies that have funneled tuition dollars to upper administration and expensive consultants, undermined the faculty and its research and teaching mission, and exploded the cost of education for students and their families. Grant ends with a call to reclaim the university as a public good. The goals we have as a university community have everything to do with what decisions we make about the crises we face. Beginning with the premise that the university is a public good that ought to have teaching and research as its number one priority proves to be an eye-opening experience.

Read more here.


OU-AAUP Public Statement on OHIO’s Response to COVID-19


Joe McLaughlin: “OU should be ‘fearlessly first’ in restoring academic quality”