Vladimir Marchenkov: “Budget crisis at OU has culprits other than its faculty”

Vladimir Marchenkov (Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts) has written an opinion piece for the Athens News that interrogates the causes of financial challenges at OHIO, and points to a path forward: recommitting to the university’s identity as a “public liberal arts institution,” rather than “refashion[ing]” the school “into a paler replica of other universities.” As he puts it,

The crisis in which we find ourselves has not been caused by the OU faculty, either by any insufficiency of quality in their performance or lack of innovation on their part. Rather, it’s the result of poor administrative judgments made on behalf of the entire university. We have seen the administrators who have installed the RCM (responsibility centered management), for example, being amply rewarded by the Board of Trustees or who leave for greener pastures without any repercussions, and more importantly, without any critical reflection on the legacy they left behind. And yet the faculty are now asked to bear the brunt of the burden for the administration’s failures.

To read the full piece, click here.


Julie White: “OU's Future Depends on Saving Instructional Faculty Now”


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